GregYoungPublishing.com v4 now live!
Now in their 14th year of doing business with In Color, Santa Barbara fine art publishing company, Greg Young Publishing, is continuing strong growth in online fine art and licensing sales.
In the last half-dozen years since it has been under the control and direction of In Color, gregyoungpublishing.com has undergone it's fourth major revision and upgrade, bringing this store into the forefront of eCommerce solutions.
Last year, we added the option to buy framed artwork, and we cut our timeframe from order-to-ship down by two days. As a result of these changes, and through better site organization, more user-friendly customer experience, and better SEO, the store saw a year-over-year increase in sales of 40%.
Greg Young Publishing partners with In Color through both managed hosting, and drop-ship, fine art printing services. "This is a great win-win situation," says In Color principal, Art Fisher. "We have a finely honed machine that simply works in every aspect; we've set expectations high, but we deliver a great product, and our customers tell us they're very happy with the end product." The store has a few active resellers, and soon we will also set up an affiliate marking program.
If you're looking for vintage travel art, vintage aviation photography, or early American/California impressionist artwork, I strongly suggest that you check out gregyoungpublishing.com.
UPDATE: This website and store are now closed. Gregyoungpublishing.com has changed significantly in scope and nature and is now the project of a different company. For other interesting vintage art, check out In Color's http://vintageart.store.