In Color Technical Services

In Color is well versed in the technical aspects of Digital Visual Communications. Principal, Art Fisher, holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and has a solid technical foundation from which he built In Color. Mr. Fisher also obtained certificates from the SANS Institute in network security; from Scitex, the inventors of digital publishing; and Adobe, developers of publishing software. In Color has held Apple Licensed Developer and Symbol Licensed Developer status. We are active members of Canon Professional Services.

Websites and Web Application Programming
In Color principal, Mr. Fisher completed his first computer programming class in 1979, and he has since mastered a multitude of different computer languages and platforms. By leveraging Open Source Code your project licensing fees will keep at a minimum. We are web-technology integrators, and we keep up on all the latest web publishing techniques, and extensions.
At In Color, we don't just offer…

Compliance is the law
Why do I need to be compliant?
In 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) published Web Accessibility Guidance Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The DoJ emphasizes the importance of accessible websites, and the guidance ensures that individuals with disabilities have access to online information and services equally. The guidance aligns with the ADA's goal of fostering…

At In Color®, we specialize in technical solutions for the book publishing industry. Whether you're self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher, our services ensure your books are professionally formatted, published, and ready to reach readers across all platforms. We specialize in publications with a high level of graphics, photography, and design elements.

Unix & Cloud Server Configuration
Security. If you don't have it, then nothing else matters. Unix runs the cloud. Our staff technician holds Internet security certifications, and he's been maintaining his own Unix servers since 1992. Let us show you how this rock-solid platform can secure your cloud architecture.

Predictable Color Management
Are you having problems getting your inkjet printer to match your printing company's proofs? Or making your computer's display match the press? With over 25 years of on-the-job color management experience, In Color has earned its title as the Predictable, Repeatable Color Calibration Experts. You can depend on us to alleviate your worst color nightmares. Color Management can be predictable.

Managed Hosting
In Color offers Premium Managed Hosting tailored especially for its Content Management System (CMS) clients. These premium accounts are designed to make your experience with your CMS safe, secure, and trouble-free.