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Photo of the Hallway Concert List Project

Hallway Concert Timeline Panels Installed

15 August 2012

In Color and the Santa Barbara Bowl have completed our three-year project to produce a large timeline of all the concerts that have taken place at the Bowl since they began hosting such performances in 1978.
The project began as an idea by Art Fisher, house photographer for the Bowl, which has dozens of historic concert photos backstage. The location of this amazing photography is odd since it is only visible to the performing artists and backstage personnel but not to the patrons who come to see the concerts. The project was conceived to bring some of these historic images into pubic light, where the patrons can enjoy them.
As the idea of the project matured, we decided to add a list of all the performances. The layout as suggested by Mr. Fisher was to span four 40x60 inch metal panels. The background would be a photo of the crowd and venue during a sold-out show, and it would span all four panels. Then each panel would have two columns, listing shows on each vertical edge, and an array of photos from select shows listed therein.

Photo of the Hallway Concert List Project

The project is now complete and installed and documents over 700 concerts from 1978 through 2011 with over 70 photos.
We started this project in late 2009 and finally installed it this year in mid August. The entire project was produced by In Color and funded by The Brittingham Family Foundation. Be sure to check it out in the public hallway tunnel that goes under the stage. The project is located between the men's and women's restrooms.