Fiesta Coffee Table Book Crowd-Funding Now Live
Unfortunatley, the funding for my big coffee table book, Fiesta, fell through. So, I decided to take the project to the community for "crowd-funding."
I was orignially buiding out the funding project on, but I quickly discovered that they were not going to allow the flexibility I needed to work this project. The main deal-breaker was their rule preventing benefit to a non-profit, but there was also a rule preventing "bulk" sales of more than ten items in a pledge package.
I quickly found to be a fine substitute and ported the entire site over. Now, here we are. Just a day and a half into the funing project, and I've already hit over 16% of the $20,000 goal. In reality, I'd really like to raise $30,000 to print enough books to make the project not just fasible but also viable.
Please visit to learn more and to make a pledge. You'll get an amazing book in return!